
Serenity Farm is a privately funded sanctuary devoted to the horses that find their way here. We dedicate our personal and professional time and expertise to support the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs of horses. It takes the time it takes.

We advocate for giving horses a voice on a foundation of horse-centred care through understanding that all behaviour represents communication. We hold a space of mutual regard in our relationship with horses as sentient beings with feelings, thoughts, emotions, and memories .

For over two decades we have stood in a space of understanding, love, and compassion in direct experience, observation, and study of horse-human interaction whilst care giving for horses during rehabilitation and providing a forever home for those in need. Horses have come here from near and far and from across almost every equine discipline.

Sharing their gift of sentience and presence, horses invite us into an awareness of the present moment. Horses have been around for 55 million years and they continue to invite us to connect with our natural nature enabling us to activate meaningful and mutually supportive connections in our world.

“Horses invite us to enter a sacred space that allows us to connect with ourselves, and from there, with others.”

Julie Grogan,

There is no doubt that we and the horses are living in a domesticated environment, we try to nurture natural instincts by providing access to pathways and spaces that horses and humans may roam around the 60 acres as needs be. We listen to and observe the herd or any new member closely and due to different ages, physical, psychological and dietary needs horses are grouped in smaller herds accordingly. We complement veterinary treatment with homeopathic, herbal, and bio energy healing techniques. We implement barefoot trimming principles, and harmonious horsemanship philosophies at all times. The age range of the herd is from seven years to 35 years.

Follow the link to discover more about the Research on the Symbiotic Bond Between Horses and Humans Connecting Hearts

Quest: for horses and humans to experience meaningful connection through communication and compassion.

Communication. Connection. Compassion

Ask questions. Follow your heart. Live your truth