
Groundwork Therapy A powerful concept that allows an individual’s self-growth and expanded awareness. It is about learning with the help of horses.

Adventures in Awareness The purpose of ADVENTURES IN AWARENESS™ (AIA) is to develop awareness and expand consciousness while enhancing an individual’s ability to be responsible for self, and thus, contribute to the safety of the group, through work with horses.

HeartMath Institute Heart Intelligence. What it means to you and the world and how you can participate.

Australian Association for Bush Adventure Therapy Inc. A professional body for practitioners who have an interest in supporting, developing and promoting the field of Bush Adventure Therapy in Australia. 

The Alcohol Experiment Challenge your thinking, find clarity, and form new habits with a 30-day alcohol-free experiment from the author of This Naked Mind.

The HeartMath Experience Connect with the Heart of Who You Truly Are.

Heart Foundation There are many different risk factors that increase your likelihood of developing a cardiovascular disease, such as heart disease.  Explore the latest statistics relating to cardiovascular disease risk factors. 

World Heart Federation Women and Cardiovascular disease (CVD)

The Australian Government Carer Gateway An Australia-wide network of Carer Gateway service providers.

Australian Labyrinth Network Inc. designed to be a space where all feel welcome and able to contribute their unique gifts and skills to the promotion of labyrinth consciousness in Australia
